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5 février 2012


Bâle carnival The Bâle carnival is an event that takes place every year in Bâle and is spread over three days. On the Monday after Ash Wednesday the city awakes with the "Morgenstraich" and at four o'clock all the lights are turned of. Thousands of picolos...
5 février 2012

Interwiew - IT Director

INTERWIEW IT Director What is the best about your work? It is such a changing world that you are never bored. Who do you work with? I am lucky enough to work with people that come from different countries. Is there anything you don’t like about your work?...
5 février 2012

Short story - Pony Love

SHORT STORY Pony Love Jenny Planker lives at a stud farm, she was twelve and had her very own pony, Merrylegs, a wonderful bay. Jenny was persuaded that he could do anything. It was Jenny’s older sister, Lucy, who had taught her to ride and Jenny was...
5 février 2012

Aeroplanes through the ages

Aeroplanes through the ages The dream of flight goes back to the days of pre-history. Many stories from antiquity involve flight, such as the Greek legend of Icarus and Daedalus, and the Vimana in ancient Indian epics. Around 400 BC, Archytas, the Ancient...
5 février 2012

Prise de la Bastille

Prise de la Bastille The confrontation that led to the people of Paris storming the Bastille on 14 July 1789, following several days of disturbances, resulted from the fact that gunpowder and arms had been stored there, and the people (whose fears had...
5 février 2012

Interwiew - Pony owner

INTERWIEW CF owns four ponies, read how she first got into ponies: When did you first get interested in ponies? When I was a little girl. Did you ride? I started riding when I was six. Did you have your own pony? Yes, just before I was ten. What was its...